Sunday, December 14, 2014

Journal of Analytical Psychology 60th Anniversary Conference/Celebration

The Journal of Analytical Psychology

XIIIth International Conference: 60th Anniversary Event (in conjuction with the SAP)

‘Reflections on Jungian Clinical Practice: From Then till Now’ (1955-2015)

13, 14, 15 March 2015: Arundel House, London WC2

To mark this 60th anniversary we will be holding a weekend event in London (Friday teatime to Sunday lunchtime). Our theme highlights the Journal’s abiding hallmark – its clinical orientation – and accordingly each speaker will draw for inspiration on a specific paper, originally published in the Journal, which still informs their current thinking and practice.

Don Kalsched – the most widely read and regarded of contemporary clinical Jungian authors – pays tribute to Michael Fordham’s ‘Defences of the Self’, perhaps the most influential of Journal papers. Murray Stein speaks from a Rosemary Gordon paper and our consultant editor, Warren Colman, considers the future direction of analytical psychology. We also have plenary contributions from Jan Wiener, Angela Connolly, Elizabeth Urban and Brian Feldman, in addition to the usual conference workshops, which include a critical discussion of the Editors' role from Andrew Samuels.

Details of the full programme, with profiles of the individual presenters and abstracts of the papers they will speak from, are available on our website

In the spirit of an anniversary celebration our chosen venue offers catering of high quality (the Friday evening reception and Saturday lunch are all included in the conference fee). We will be getting things underway with a tea party and a slice of Journal 60th birthday cake to greet you on arrival at registration. 

We anticipate this gathering of both established Journal followers, and those interested in exploring what the Journal has to offer, will be a memorable one-off event. Early booking (please see form on website) to secure a place and take advantage of the discounted ‘early bird’ rates is strongly recommended.

And as an optional extra we are also holding a Musical Soirée – lieder, jazz, blues & sea-shanties! – at Burgh House, Hampstead, on the Saturday evening.

To view the conference programme click here and to view the Musical Soiree  on the Saturday night of the conference (14th March) click here.


For full conference details and to register click here (

If you have further queries, please contact the Managing Editor, Jane Turney, at