Friday, May 13, 2011

C.G. Jung on Individuation

In the passage below, Jung discusses his concept of individuation - a term he uses to describe the process of psychological differentiation having for its goal the development of the individual personality.

"Individuation has two principal aspects: in the first place it is an internal and subjective process of integration, and in the second it is an equally indispensable process of objective relationship. Neither can exist without the other, although sometimes the one and sometimes the other predominates. This double aspect has two corresponding dangers. The first is the danger of the patient's using the opportunities for spiritual development arising out of the analysis of the unconscious as a pretext for evading the deeper human responsibilities, and for affecting a certain "spirituality" which cannot stand up to moral criticism; the second is the danger that atavistic tendencies may gain the ascendancy and drag the relationship down to a primitive level. Between this Scylla and that Charybdis there is a narrow passage..." (p. 234, para 448)

Jung, C. G. (1966). The Psychology of the Transference. In The Collected Works of C. G. Jung (Vol. 16, 2nd ed., pp. 163-323). Princeton: Princeton University Press.

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